
How to suppress "ERROR message: short read (SSL routines, SSL routines), value: 335544539"

Reference: websocket_client_sync_ssl.cpp

// Read a message into our buffer;

// Close the WebSocket connection

Based on my test, the ws.close will spit out a warning below:

ERROR message: short read (SSL routines, SSL routines), value: 335544539

Based on this post short read, this error can be safely ignored in the end of the session. I have tried the following method to suppress the warning:

  boost::system::error_code close_ec;
  ws.close(websocket::close_code::normal, close_ec);
  if (close_ec)
    std::cerr << "ERROR message: " << close_ec.message() << ", value: " << close_ec.value() << std::endl;


However, the ws.close still prints out the warning message.

Question> Is there a way that I can suppress this message?


  • However, the ws.close still prints out the warning message.

    Are you sure? It looks like that's simply coming from the line:

    std::cerr << "ERROR message: " << close_ec.message() << ", value: " << close_ec.value() << std::endl;

    So, you would check the value of close_ec and conditionally handle it: Short read error-Boost asio synchoronous https call

    Also, note that some kinds of "short reads" can constitute security errors. Some of the samples have very insightful comments about this:

    // `net::ssl::error::stream_truncated`, also known as an SSL "short read",
    // indicates the peer closed the connection without performing the
    // required closing handshake (for example, Google does this to
    // improve performance). Generally this can be a security issue,
    // but if your communication protocol is self-terminated (as
    // it is with both HTTP and WebSocket) then you may simply
    // ignore the lack of close_notify:
    // When a short read would cut off the end of an HTTP message,
    // Beast returns the error beast::http::error::partial_message.
    // Therefore, if we see a short read here, it has occurred
    // after the message has been completed, so it is safe to ignore it.
    if(ec == net::ssl::error::stream_truncated)
        ec = {};
    else if(ec)