I have a Nuxt project with Buefy components. There is a form with some field component which should react on error according the message parameter for this component. But does not. I can see the correct value in debuger but component does not show the message. :message property should work like the in first email example from documentation
The code looks like:
<template #company>
<h2 class="title">{{ $t('general.login.create_company') }}</h2>
:type="loginErrors.company_name ? 'is-danger' : ''"
:message="loginErrors.company_name ? loginErrors.company_name : ''"
<div class="buttons is-centered">
<b-button type="is-primary is-light" @click="createCompany">Save</b-button>
data() {
return {
loginErrors: {},
error: 'aaaaaa',
async createCompany() {
const result = await this.$api.users.createCompany({company_name: this.companyName});
if( result.error ) {
this.loginErrors.company_name = result.error; // This does not work although the variable has correct value set
this.error = result.error; // This works fine
return false;
I use this pattern in other components and it works. I dont understand it. thaks for any help.
The solution in this case was to update Buefy version from 0.4.11 to 0.4.21. This fix the issue. Another thing is that is causes new issue with :type in combination with grouped param.