I implemented some CUDA code. It runs fine but the alogrithm inherently produces a strong thread divergence. This is expected.
I will later try to reduce divergence. But for the moment I would be happy to be able to measure it.
Is there an easy way (prefereably using a runtime API call or a CLI tool) to check how many of my initially scheduled warps and/or threads are still active?
I found a solution that gives me pretty nice results. Calling the following function from some lines of a kernel (and adapted using a proper filter condition) prints the number of active threads of the current warp:
__device__ void printConvergentThreadCount(int line) // Pass __LINE__
const int count = __popc(__activemask());
const int threadId = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (threadId == 0) // Filter
printf("Line %i: %i\n", line, count);
Still this doesn't give numbers as long as kernels are running.