
Why does Pagy return nil in Sinatra?

@pagy is returning nil in my view (#<NoMethodError: undefined method 'pages' for nil:NilClass>).

It works as expected in the console:

> @pagy.pages
=> 25
> pagy_nav(@pagy)
=> "<nav class=\"pagy-nav pagination\"...

I've added the Pagy includes in the Folders Controller:

class FoldersController < ApplicationController
  include Pagy::Backend

  get '/folder/:permalink' do
    @pagy, @pagination = pagy(Article.all)

  helpers do
    include Pagy::Frontend


I'm calling it in the Folder's Show View:

<%= pagy_nav(@pagy) if @pagy.pages > 1 %>

Any ideas why @pagy is returning nil inside the view?

Any advice on using Pagy in a Sinatra app?


  • @pagy needs to be called before your erb call.

    Like this:

    @pagy, @articles = pagy(@articles.order(position: :desc), items: 50)
    erb :'folders/show_folder'

    Not like this:

    erb :'folders/show_folder'
    @pagy, @articles = pagy(@articles.order(position: :desc), items: 50)