I'm trying to launch a FortiGate c5.xlarge instance from the AWS marketplace. I keep getting the following.
Launch Failed
"clientToken": "164876650066515092",
"awsAccountId": "008420932876",
"agreementId": null,
"agreementRequired": true,
"autoRoleCreationRequired": false,
"instanceActionName": "RunInstances",
"errorCode": "NeedsEntitlementCheck_InvalidParameterException",
"errorMessage": "A non-retryable exception was thrown because of an invalid input for product e5126f4a-0d69-479f-919c-d5e158bd4d12, region us-east-1, amiId ami-065f5f3d485c1ec3f",
"workflowStatus": "LAUNCH_FAILED",
"productId": "e5936f4a-0d69-479f-919c-d5e158bd4d12",
"isWorkflowExecutionFailed": false,
"describeAgreementStepResult": null,
"entitlementStatus": {
"hasEntitlementCreatedInIAD": null,
"hasExistingRegionalEntitlement": null,
"hasNewEntitlementPropagated": null
"workflowStartTime": null
I went through this article and it doesn't seem to be any of the following messages.
Also checked that c5.xlarge is supported in us-east-1. Can someone point me in the right direction?
So I ended up solving it by using the AWS CLI commands.
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-065f5f3d485c1ec3f --count 1 --instance-type c5.xlarge --key-name fortigate-aws --security-group-ids sg-019b89b5dd233cdae --subnet-id subnet-0457dda8b55b5bb10 --private-ip-address
Worked like a charm. Not sure why it didn't work through the marketplace.