
Working with Hammock and AgFx for Windows phone 7 app

Sorry if the question I am asking makes nonsense as I am really new to this. :(

I have a project which is already using Hammock for oAuth (version 1.0) authentication. And then I saw Shawn Burke's awesome data caching framework AgFx and I really want to be able to use it within my project.

But the problem I am having is, with Hammock I can easily make a request by using

var request = new RestRequest
    Credentials = _credentials,
    Path = "/fav.xml",
    Method = WebMethod.Post

where I store access token, consumer key, etc. in the _credentials object. And it does its magic for me so I don't need to convert them into the long oauth signature string.

But with AgFx, my understanding is, I need to use WebLoadRequest to request for the data, which looks like this

return new WebLoadRequest(loadContext, new Uri(myUri), "POST", "post-data");

where "post-data" should be the oauth signature string. Then basically I need to throw away what Hammock gives to me and rewrite the code to get the signature.

I just wonder if there's a better way of doing this? Or should I say if there's a libary I can use to get this signature easily?

Any help would be much appreciated!!




  • I have figured it out.

    Shawn Burke who created this framework pointed me to the right direction.

    Bisically what I've done is I create a HammockLoadRequest which inherits from AgFx's LoadRequest, and in the Execute override, replace the HttpWebRequest with Hammock's RestRequest and that's it.

        public class HammockLoadRequest : LoadRequest
        public OAuthCredentials Credentials { get; set; }
        public string AuthorityUrl { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a HammockLoadRequest
        /// </summary>
        public HammockLoadRequest(LoadContext loadContext, OAuthCredentials credentials, string authorityUrl)
            : base(loadContext)
            Credentials = credentials;
            AuthorityUrl = authorityUrl;
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the actual get for this request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2000:Dispose objects before losing scope")]
        public override void Execute(Action<LoadRequestResult> result)
                () =>
                    var client = new RestClient
                        Authority = this.AuthorityUrl,
                        HasElevatedPermissions = true
                    var restRequest = new RestRequest
                        Credentials = this.Credentials,
                        Path = "/xxx.json",
                    restRequest.AddParameter("count", "5");
                    restRequest.AddParameter("include_rts", "1");
                    //if (sinceId != 0)
                    //    request.AddParameter("since_id", sinceId.ToString());
                    RestCallback responseHandler = (request, response, userstate) =>
                        if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                            Helpers.ShowMessage(String.Format("Error Getting Status: {0}", response.StatusCode));
                        // convert string to stream
                        byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(response.Content);
                        var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
                        result(new LoadRequestResult(new MemoryStream(bytes)));
                    client.BeginRequest(restRequest, responseHandler);