
Windows Phone 7 Emulator - showing/disappearing couple times eventually giving up

When i try to launch Windows Phone 7 Emulator directly it is toggling on/off 2-3 times (can see it for like 2-4 sec),

then stopping without giving any error message. There is only

"Windows Phone Emulator is doing a complete OS Boot"

somewhere in the middle of appearance.

When i launch it from Expression Blend 4 it is also toggling on/off,

but less frequently and in the middle there is progress bar window stuck always at same place about connecting eventually giving this


The issue is on:

Asus 1005PXD (2 weeks old) with Windows 7 SP1 64 bit

Installed my software in that order:

VS10 Ultimate

VS10 SP1


Expression 4 Ultimate (incl. Blend)


  • Found the issue, Intel GMA 3150 which i have in 1005PXD does not support XNA, after installing WP7.1 SDK it was showing proper information.

    But still i don't know why i cannot run emulator at all, but it still should be possible to run non-XNA applications.