Lets assume i have this string
var stringCSV = "Beth,Charles,Danielle,Adam,Eric\n17945,10091,10088,3907,10132\n2,12,13,48,11";
And i converted it into a 2D Array
[["Beth", "Charles", "Danielle", "Adam", "Eric"], ["17945", "10091", "10088", "3907", "10132"], ["2", "12", "13", "48", "11"]]
Below is the code i used to convert the String into a 2D Array and sort it.
struct Person {
let name: String
let id: String
let age: String
var csvFormatted = [[String]]()
stringCSV.enumerateLines { (line, _) in
var res = line.split(separator: ",",omittingEmptySubsequences: false).map{
for i in 0 ..< res.count {
res[i] = res[i]
let properties = zip(csvFormatted[1],csvFormatted[2])
let namesAndProperties = zip(csvFormatted[0],properties)
let structArray = namesAndProperties.map { (name, properties) in
return Person(name: name, id: properties.0, age: properties.1)
let sortedArray = structArray.sorted {
return $0.name < $1.name
for i in sortedArray {
print(i.name, i.id, i.age)
i get the below output
Adam 3907 48
Beth 17945 2
Charles 10091 12
Danielle 10088 13
Eric 10132 11
But I wont to understand and know how i can print the sorted array back to string, just like it was before i splitted it into an array and sorted it and including the special characters like "\n" and ",".
and achieve something the below
Use map
for each property and join it to create a comma separated row. Then using the results in an array join again with a new line character.
let csv = [array.map(\.name).joined(separator: ","),
array.map(\.id).joined(separator: ","),
array.map(\.age).joined(separator: ",")]
.joined(separator: "\n")