
How to do an inductive proof

I have to show that :

Lemma bsuccOK: forall l, value (bsucc l) = S (value l).

with an induction proof, but I don't understand how to do it.

Here is the bsucc function:

Fixpoint bsucc (l: list bool): list bool := match l with
|r::true=>(bsucc r)::false

Lemma bsucc_test1: bsucc [false;true;false;true] = [true;true;false;true].


It gives the successor of a list of booleans representing a binary number.

Any help would be very appreciated!


  • Which binary representation do you use ? If you consider Least significant bits first, then for instance 4 is represented as [false;false;true].

    Here is a definition of bsuccand value. Note the order of arguments in list notations, and a slight change in bsucc []. Hope it's OK.

    Require Import List Lia.
    Import ListNotations. 
    (** Least significant bit first  *)
    Fixpoint bsucc (l: list bool):  list bool :=
      match l with
      | []  =>[true]
      | true::r => false:: (bsucc r)
      | false::r => true::r
    Fixpoint value (s:list bool):  nat:=
      match s with
      | []   => 0
      | true::r => S (2 * value r)
      | false::r => 2 * value r
    Compute value [false;false;true]. (* 4 *)

    Then, your goal is solvable, by induction on l. Tactics you may also use are cbnor simpl, case, rewrite, and lia(for linear arithmetic).