
How to convert String to Binary in Scheme

So, I've ran into this problem where I've been trying to code a means to convert a binary number to a string in Scheme (R5RS), but I've been having some....problems. My tutor and I tried to solve it over the course of an hour, but we haven't been able to solve it.

In fact, as of the time I finished the last session, he left behind the following:

    (define binary->string (lambda (lst)
                         (define str (make-string 0)) 
                         (letrec ((recurse (lambda (l)
                                             ; turn into not null
                                             (if (null? l)
                                                 (lambda ()
                                                   (set! str (string-append str (number->string (car l))))
                                                   (recurse (cdr l)))
                           (recurse lst)

(binary->string '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1))

See where it says "turn into not null"? Well, we've had some problems trying to convert the number into not null. I sure hope this helps. Thanks!


  • So you want this result?

    > (binary->string '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1))

    I see you've already used string-append and number->string, so you should also use apply and map:

    (define (binary->string arg)
      (apply string-append
             (map number->string arg)))
    > (binary->string '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1))

    If you also want to convert it into decimal number, use string->number with radix 2:

    > (string->number "01010011" 2)