I'm researching the way on how to avoid to specify @ApiProperty() in each dto.
I know there is exist a way to create file nest-cli.json
, and if you specify Promise<DTO>
in your controller in nest-swagger it will produce the output dto from the route.
The structure looks like this:
"collection": "@nestjs/schematics",
"sourceRoot": "src",
"compilerOptions": {
"plugins": [
"name": "@nestjs/swagger",
"options": {
"introspectComments": true
async getMonitors (): Promise<OutputMonitorsDto> { // <-- Here is my outputDto
return this.monitorsService.getMonitors()
And in swagger it shows something like this:
However, is there any way to setup NestJs to have the same things with inputDTO and not to write in each dto @ApiProperty
As in example below:
export class GetListUsersDto {
name: string
email: string
publicApiKey: string
isAdmin: boolean
isDesigner: boolean
isEditor: boolean
isEnabled: boolean
boughtProduct: string
And only after @ApiProperty it will show the structure as shown above for input in swagger.
There is no way around decorating your DTO properties. However, if your DTOs have a lot in common, you might be looking for mapped types. Documentation can be found here.
These essentially allow you to transform existing types to keep your DTOs DRY.