I have a list in the GUI which has a simple string slice as its data source. And for every list item I create a button that should do something for that specific list item.
Here is some example code:
var data = []string{"folder1", "folder2"}
func someListCreationMethod(data []string) *widget.List {
return widget.NewList(
func() int {
return len(data)
func() fyne.CanvasObject {
return container.NewPadded(
widget.NewLabel("Will be replaced"),
widget.NewButton("Do Something", nil),
func(id widget.ListItemID, item fyne.CanvasObject) {
How can I wire up the button to the list item? I need a way to know which exact button was pressed or a way that the button knows on which list item it sits (or which list item is his parent).
Is there a way to do this?
Maybe widget.NewListWithData()
is something that would address this issue but I'm unsure if this will help in this case.
Edit: Here is a more graphical example to show this (the code for this is slightly different but the principles are the same as with the code above):
In this case I want to execute the pull for the one repo which the "pull" button belongs to.
You can set the button function by assigning Button.OnTapped