I've created a Solana NFT through metaplex. 1 out of 1. It's showing up in my Phantom wallet on mobile however it's different from the NFTs purchased on solanart.
On the NFT screen, it says "Collection NFT" and shows the actual image only if I tap into the collection (last one).
What should I do to make it look like the purchased ones? Also somehow another unspecified and empty (no metadata) NFT is also there and I'm not sure what it is (third one in the list). Quite new to this, so probably missing something simple...
Thank you!
regarding the "Collection NFT" - You have to manually add metadata to the NFT:
cli-nft.ts create-metadata
or metaboss
to add the uri (from the step 1) to the collection nft mintRegarding the third NFT in your list: It looks like that you did not verify the upload and therefore the data was not on chain when the token was minted. Have a look here: https://docs.metaplex.com/candy-machine-v2/verify-upload