
Setting Scheme programmatically of website

I have a multisite application with around 40+ Https sites. The scheme column for all the sites is empty.

enter image description here I tried creating a schedule job that will update Scheme to HTTPS looping in all the sites using SiteDefinitionRepository. The problem is Scheme property is read only & so I cannot set the same.

enter image description here

Is there a way I can set Scheme to HTTPS rather than doing it manually for the 40+sites?


  • The SiteDefinition and HostDefinition implementations are IReadOnly.

    Create a writable clone and set UseSecureConnection to true in the host definition

    // ISiteDefinitionRepository siteDefinitionRepository
    var sites = _siteDefinitionRepository.List();
    foreach (var site in sites)
        var writableSite = site.CreateWritableClone();
        if (site.SiteUrl.Scheme == "http")
            writableSite.SiteUrl = new Uri(site.SiteUrl.ToString().Replace("http", "https"));
        var hosts = writableSite.Hosts.Where(x => !x.Name.Equals(HostDefinition.WildcardHostName)); 
        foreach (var writableHost in hosts)
            writableHost.UseSecureConnection = true;

    The code will turn this

    enter image description here

    in to this

    enter image description here