
Type-level Catalan function in TypeScript

Consider the following Catalan function in JavaScript.

class Pair {
    constructor(fst, snd) {
        this.fst = fst;
        this.snd = snd;

const catalan = (x, xs) => {
    if (xs.length === 0) return [x];
    const result = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
        const ys = catalan(x, xs.slice(0, i));
        const zs = catalan(xs[i], xs.slice(i + 1));
        for (const y of ys) for (const z of zs) result.push(new Pair(y, z));
    return result;

const show = (x) => x instanceof Pair
    ? `(${show(x.fst)} <> ${show(x.snd)})`
    : JSON.stringify(x);

const log = (x) => console.log(x);

catalan(1, []).map(show).forEach(log);
catalan(1, [2]).map(show).forEach(log);
catalan(1, [2, 3]).map(show).forEach(log);
catalan(1, [2, 3, 4]).map(show).forEach(log);

It returns all the possible ways of associating n applications of a binary operator, where n = xs.length.

I want to do something similar, but with types in TypeScript. However, I don't know how to implement the “else” branch.

class Pair<A, B> {
    constructor(public fst: A, public snd: B) {}

type Catalan<X, XS extends unknown[]> = XS extends []
    ? X
    : /* how to define this “else” branch? */;

type C0 = Catalan<1, []>; // 1

type C1 = Catalan<1, [2]>; // Pair<1, 2>

type C2 = Catalan<1, [2, 3]>; // Pair<1, Pair<2, 3>> | Pair<Pair<1, 2>, 3>

type C3 = Catalan<1, [2, 3, 4]>; /* Pair<1, Pair<2, Pair<3, 4>>> |
                                  * Pair<1, Pair<Pair<2, 3>, 4>> |
                                  * Pair<Pair<1, 2>, Pair<3, 4>> |
                                  * Pair<Pair<1, Pair<2, 3>>, 4> |
                                  * Pair<Pair<Pair<1, 2>, 3>, 4>
                                  * /

Any help will be greatly appreciated. By the way, I want to use this Catalan type to define the following function.

declare const flatten: <X, XS extends unknown[]>(
    x: Catalan<X, XS>
) => [X, ...XS];

Here's how the flatten function is implemented in JavaScript.

class Pair {
    constructor(fst, snd) {
        this.fst = fst;
        this.snd = snd;

const catalan = (x, xs) => {
    if (xs.length === 0) return [x];
    const result = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
        const ys = catalan(x, xs.slice(0, i));
        const zs = catalan(xs[i], xs.slice(i + 1));
        for (const y of ys) for (const z of zs) result.push(new Pair(y, z));
    return result;

const flatten = (x) => x instanceof Pair
    ? [...flatten(x.fst), ...flatten(x.snd)]
    : [x];

const log = (x) => console.log(JSON.stringify(x));

catalan(1, []).map(flatten).forEach(log);
catalan(1, [2]).map(flatten).forEach(log);
catalan(1, [2, 3]).map(flatten).forEach(log);
catalan(1, [2, 3, 4]).map(flatten).forEach(log);

Edit: If it helps, here's an implementation of the value-level catalan function in Haskell.

import Data.List (inits, tails)

data Catalan a = Catalan a :<>: Catalan a | Lift a deriving Show

split :: [a] -> [([a], [a])]
split = init . (zipWith (,) <$> inits <*> tails)

catalan :: a -> [a] -> [Catalan a]
catalan x [] = [Lift x]
catalan x xs = do
    (ys, z:zs) <- split xs
    y <- catalan x ys
    z <- catalan z zs
    return $ y :<>: z

main :: IO ()
main = do
    mapM_ print $ catalan 1 []
    mapM_ print $ catalan 1 [2]
    mapM_ print $ catalan 1 [2, 3]
    mapM_ print $ catalan 1 [2, 3, 4]

Here's the output of the above Haskell program.

Lift 1
Lift 1 :<>: Lift 2
Lift 1 :<>: (Lift 2 :<>: Lift 3)
(Lift 1 :<>: Lift 2) :<>: Lift 3
Lift 1 :<>: (Lift 2 :<>: (Lift 3 :<>: Lift 4))
Lift 1 :<>: ((Lift 2 :<>: Lift 3) :<>: Lift 4)
(Lift 1 :<>: Lift 2) :<>: (Lift 3 :<>: Lift 4)
(Lift 1 :<>: (Lift 2 :<>: Lift 3)) :<>: Lift 4
((Lift 1 :<>: Lift 2) :<>: Lift 3) :<>: Lift 4


  • updated may 19

    Oh boy, we aren't done yet. We can make this thing even faster!

    The first thing you can do is transform the extends in Catalan to only:

    type Catalan<X, XS extends List> = ({
        "0": X;
        "1": Pair<X, XS[0]>;
    } & {
        [_: `${number}`]: CatalanLoop<X, XS>;

    This makes it extremely fast. It's only a lookup table now.

    Then instead of big clunky loop for CatalanLoop, we can use distributive conditional types!

    type CatalanLoop<X, XS extends List, K extends keyof XS & `${bigint}` = keyof XS & `${bigint}`> =
            K extends K
                ? Partition<XS, K> extends infer P
                    ? P extends [List, List]
                        ? P extends P
                            ? CatalanPairs<X, XS, P, K>
                            : never
                        : never
                    : never
                : never

    And you'll notice a new type to help with the distributing:

    type CatalanPairs<X, XS extends List, P extends [List, List], K extends keyof XS> = K extends K ? Pair<Catalan<X, P[0]>, Catalan<XS[K], P[1]>> : never;

    Try this new playground to see the effects of these changes.

    When encountering type-level problems like these, it's best to look at the original code and look for patterns, or anything that the type system can do for you.

    So let's begin:

    const catalan = (x, xs) => {
        if (xs.length === 0) return [x];
        const result = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
            const ys = catalan(x, xs.slice(0, i));
            const zs = catalan(xs[i], xs.slice(i + 1));
            for (const y of ys) for (const z of zs) result.push(new Pair(y, z));
        return result;

    First we notice that if xs is empty, then we directly return x. We make a mental note to use XS["length"] extends 0 ? X : ... later.

    Then we see that this:

    const ys = catalan(x, xs.slice(0, i));
    const zs = catalan(xs[i], xs.slice(i + 1));

    is really just partitioning xs in such a way that:

    partition [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] at 3 => [1, 2, 3] [5]

    In other words, we split the tuple at index 3 and return the two halves. This will be much faster than slicing the tuple two times individually and can be implemented without much trouble.

    Finally we notice this nested loop:

    for (const y of ys) for (const z of zs) result.push(new Pair(y, z));

    No need for this in the type system, we can simply do:

    Pair<YS, ZS>

    and have it generate all the possible pairs for us from the unions.

    Alright, time to get cracking away at the solution.

    Recall that x is returned if xs is empty:

    type Catalan<X, XS extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>> = 
      XS["length"] extends 0 ? X : 

    And also when XS is only one element then we return that pair. If XS has more than one element, we enter the loop instead:

    ... : XS["length"] extends 1 ? Pair<X, XS[0]> : CatalanLoop<X, XS>;

    Let's see the loop now:

    type CatalanLoop<X, XS extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>> = {
      [K in keyof XS & `${bigint}`]: ...
    }[keyof XS & `${bigint}`];

    Now, what's this funny looking thing:

    keyof XS & `${bigint}`

    keyof XS would give us something in the form of number | "0" | "1" | "2" | "at" | "concat" | "...", but we only want the indices of XS. If we intersect keyof XS with the interpolated bigint, we get the desired "0" | "1" | "2" only.

    That means this is just like the loop in the original code! We loop over each index using a mapped type.

    Inside the loop body we partition XS at index K:

    type CatalanLoop<X, XS extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>> = {
      [K in keyof XS & `${bigint}`]:
        Partition<XS, K> extends [infer Left, infer Right]
          ? ...
          : ...
    }[keyof XS & `${bigint}`];

    But we have to assert to TypeScript that our partitioning type will definitely give us tuples like this first:

        Partition<XS, K> extends [infer Left, infer Right]
          ? Left extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>
            ? Right extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>

    Then we call Catalan and make our pairs:

              ? Catalan<X, Left> extends infer YS
                ? Catalan<XS[K], Right> extends infer ZS 
                  ? Pair<YS, ZS>

    This is doing what this original code does:

    const ys = catalan(x, xs.slice(0, i));
    const zs = catalan(xs[i], xs.slice(i + 1));
    for (const y of ys) for (const z of zs) result.push(new Pair(y, z));

    And let's close off all our ternaries/conditionals with never (because these clauses should never be reached anyways):

                  : never
                : never
              : never
            : never
          : never

    Finally, we need to make our partitioning type.

    To do that, we need a type to increment a number. This can be done with a tuple like this:

    type Increment = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33];
    Increment[0]  // => 1
    Increment[15] // => 16
    Increment[32] // => 33

    Now that we can increment a number, we define Partition:

    type Partition<
      XS extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>,
      At extends string,
      Index extends number = 0,
      Left extends ReadonlyArray<unknown> = [],
    > = XS extends [infer First, ...infer Rest]
        ? `${Index}` extends At
          ? [Left, Rest]
          : Partition<Rest, At, Increment[Index], [...Left, First]>
        : never

    This type loops over XS until it hits At, the index to partition at. It excludes the element at At and stops, giving us [Left, Rest], the two halves. Partition is the type that replaces xs.slice(0, i) and xs.slice(i + 1).

    Lastly, just for kicks, let's also make a type to mimic the original show function:

    type Show<Pairs> = Pairs extends Pair<infer A, infer B> ? `(${Show<A>} <> ${Show<B>})` : `${Pairs & number}`;

    And wow! It really does work!

    type ShowFifth = Show<Catalan<1, [2, 3, 4, 5]>>;
    // =>
    // | "(1 <> (2 <> (3 <> (4 <> 5))))"
    // | "(1 <> (2 <> ((3 <> 4) <> 5)))"
    // | "(1 <> ((2 <> 3) <> (4 <> 5)))"
    // | "(1 <> ((2 <> (3 <> 4)) <> 5))"
    // | "(1 <> (((2 <> 3) <> 4) <> 5))"
    // | "((1 <> 2) <> (3 <> (4 <> 5)))"
    // | "((1 <> 2) <> ((3 <> 4) <> 5))"
    // | "((1 <> (2 <> 3)) <> (4 <> 5))"
    // | "((1 <> (2 <> (3 <> 4))) <> 5)"
    // | "((1 <> ((2 <> 3) <> 4)) <> 5)"
    // | "(((1 <> 2) <> 3) <> (4 <> 5))"
    // | "(((1 <> 2) <> (3 <> 4)) <> 5)"
    // | "(((1 <> (2 <> 3)) <> 4) <> 5)"
    // | "((((1 <> 2) <> 3) <> 4) <> 5)"

    To end off this little adventure, a playground where you can play around with this yourself.