
failed to read stream, no exist StreamNotFoundError: stream not found

As per documentation:

under: Checking if the stream exists

const events = client.readStream("user", {
  direction: FORWARDS,
  fromRevision: BigInt(10),
  maxCount: 20,

try {
  for await (const resolvedEvent of events) {
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof StreamNotFoundError) {

  throw error;

i do get:

failed to read stream, no exist StreamNotFoundError: user not found

Their tutorials seems outdated for me.

Q: Is there a way to check if a stream exist ( and maybe add if not?) in event store in 2022?

Edit 2:

after the attempts, it still shows with the provided answer: node:events:505 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^

StreamNotFoundError: user not found
    at ReadStream._transform (game\node_modules\@eventstore\db-client\dist\streams\utils\ReadStream.js:50:32)


  • I am not sure what you have in your database, but I quickly copied the samples code and it works as expected

    const {EventStoreDBClient, FORWARDS, StreamNotFoundError, START} = require("@eventstore/db-client");
    async function main() {
        const CLOUD_ID = "ca1loplo0aepjgt215o0";
        const client   = EventStoreDBClient.connectionString`esdb+discover://${CLOUD_ID}`;
        const events = client.readStream("doesntexist", {
            direction:    FORWARDS,
            fromRevision: START,
            maxCount:     20,
        try {
            for await (const resolvedEvent of events) {
        } catch (error) {
            if (error instanceof StreamNotFoundError) {
                console.log("Stream not found");
            throw error;
    main().then(() => console.log("done"));

    When I run it I get:

    Stream not found