
Why is 'xlsx' used with 'file-saver' to download excel?

I know that 'xlsx' can download excel such as:

xlsx.writeFile(book, "saveXlsx.xlsx");

but some examples, they used 'file-saver' to download excel

such as:

function exportExcel(){ 
// step 1. create workbook
var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();

// step 2. create sheet 
var newWorksheet = excelHandler.getWorksheet();

// step 3. append sheet to workbook
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, newWorksheet, excelHandler.getSheetName());

// step 4. create excel file
var wbout = XLSX.write(wb, {bookType:'xlsx',  type: 'binary'});

// step 5. save excel file used file-saver
saveAs(new Blob([s2ab(wbout)],{type:"application/octet-stream"}), excelHandler.getExcelFileName());

var excelHandler = {
    getExcelFileName : function(){
        return 'table-test.xlsx';
    getSheetName : function(){
        return 'Table Test Sheet';
    getExcelData : function(){
        return document.getElementById('tableData'); 
    getWorksheet : function(){
        return XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(this.getExcelData());

} }

why they do that?

I think that step 5 isn't nessasary, it can replace to this:

xlsx.writeFile(book, "saveXlsx.xlsx");


  • It's the same in most browsers as the information of Download a file in legacy browsers in Readme

    XLSX.writeFile techniques work for most modern browsers as well as older IE. For much older browsers, there are workarounds implemented by wrapper libraries.

    FileSaver.js implements saveAs. Note: XLSX.writeFile will automatically call saveAs if available.

    I guess it depends on your xlsx library version.Maybe saveAs works well in some much older browsers while xlsx.writeFile doesn't.