The following code read a file into bytes and computes the md5sum of the bytes array. It works but I would like to find a solution in V that need less RAM. Thanks for your comments !
import os
import crypto.md5
b := os.read_bytes("file.txt") or {panic(err)}
s := md5.sum(b).hex()
I also tried without success :
import os
import crypto.md5
import io
mut f := os.open_file("file.txt", "r")?
mut h :=
io.cp(mut f, mut h)?
s := h.sum().hex()
println(s) // does not return the correct md5sum
Alrighty. This is what you're looking for. It produces the same result as md5sum
and is only slightly slower. block_size
is inversely related to the amount of memory used and speed at which the checksum is computed. Decreasing block_size
will lower the memory footprint, but takes longer to compute. Increasing block_size
has the opposite effect. I tested on a 2GB manjaro disc image and can confirm the memory usage is very low.
Note: It seems this does perform noticeably slower without the -prod
flag. The V compiler makes special optimizations in order to run faster for the production build.
import crypto.md5
import io
import os
fn main() {
const block_size = 64 * 65535
fn hash_file(path string) ?string {
mut file :=
defer {
mut buf := []u8{len: block_size}
mut r := io.new_buffered_reader(reader: file)
mut digest :=
for {
x := buf) or { break }
return digest.checksum().hex()