
Trying to create AWS spot datafeed, getting error: InaccessibleStorageLocation

I am following the 'documentation' here:

With the goal of creating an ec2 spot instance price datafeed.

I use this command:

aws ec2 create-spot-datafeed-subscription --region us-east-1 --bucket mybucketname-spot-instance-price-data-feed

And get this response:

An error occurred (InaccessibleStorageLocation) when calling the CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription operation: The specified bucket does not exist or does not have enough permissions

The bucket exists, I am able to upload files into it.

I don't have any idea what to do - there's a blizzard of AWS options for giving permissions and the documentation makes only vague statements, nothing concrete about what might need to be done.

Can anyone suggest please what I can do to get past this error? thanks!


  • What worked me for this issue is enabling the ACL. I initially had the ACLs disabled and I was running into the same permissions issue. I updated the S3 bucket and enabled ACLs then the message went away and I was able to create see the spot pricing feed.