
The request includes at least one invalid\/malformed connection photo id

I'm using Google StreetView Publish API to connect photos in a virtual tour and to some external photos on Google StreetView such as a road.

This is the API I use:

And this is the body of the request:

    "pose": {
        "heading": 26,
        "latLngPair": {
            "latitude": 47.707604844777,
            "longitude": -124.41849471719
    "places": [
            "place_id": "ChIJvcvraDvfjVQR45a-VRk0lGs"
    "connections": [
            "target": {
                "id": "CAoSLEFGMVFpcE5fWGtUZTFWV3dxRm9tOEFlRHVmYVdvTmdDR2NueVZ0dzhid0ZX"
            "target": {
                "id": "rQfq6hLfyFVfC0V43rrWDw"
    "captureTime": {
        "seconds": "1653027016"

But I'm getting this error message when I'm trying to add external panorama ID ({"target":{"id": "rQfq6hLfyFVfC0V43rrWDw"}} to the connections array.

    "error": {
        "code": 400,
        "message": "The request includes at least one invalid\/malformed connection photo id.",
        "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
        "details": [
                "@type": "\/google.rpc.ErrorInfo",
                "metadata": {
                    "EXTERNAL_MESSAGE": "The request includes at least one invalid\/malformed connection photo id."

Does Google let to connect your panoramas to the Google StreetViews panoramas such as street photos, etc? Or what I was doing wrong? Thank you in advance


  • You can not link your panoramas directly to Google Street View panoramas.

    For a while, Google connected the tours automatically, if they were in a certain range. They stopped doing this and undid those connections, so at the moment both exist side by side on the same map.