The invoke function allows a function to be called directly from the class.
How can I get this to work with a Coroutine Deferred result?
I have tried below but am getting Type mismatch Required: Deferred<List<MyModel>> Found: MyUseCase
class MyUseCase(
private val repository: MyRepository,
) {
suspend operator fun invoke(id: String): Deferred<List<MyModel>> =
CoroutineScope(IO).async {
val deferredResult: Deferred<List<MyModel>> = viewModelUseCases.myUseCase
allows an instance to be called as though it's a function, i.e. with parentheses. The invoke
function you've written would be called by
val deferredResult: Deferred<List<MyModel>> = viewModelUseCases.myUseCase()