
Error: automatic module cannot be used with jlink: - Maven with JavaFX

I have selected Apache Commons IO, JSerialComm and Ini4J libraries via Maven repository.

But when I try to create an image via mvn javafx:jlink I get this errors:

[INFO] --- javafx-maven-plugin:0.0.2:jlink (default-cli) @ JUSBPlotter ---
[WARNING] Required filename-based automodules detected. Please don't publish this project to a public artifact repository!
Error: automatic module cannot be used with jlink: ini4j from file:///root/.m2/repository/org/ini4j/ini4j/0.5.4/ini4j-0.5.4.jar
[ERROR] Command execution failed.
org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Process exited with an error: 1 (Exit value: 1)
    at org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor.executeInternal(
    at org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor.execute(
    at org.openjfx.JavaFXBaseMojo.executeCommandLine(

I seems it have something to do with this:

Error: automatic module cannot be used with jlink:

My module file looks like this:

module org.openjfx.JUSBPlotter {
    requires javafx.controls;
    requires javafx.fxml;
    requires com.fazecast.jSerialComm;
    requires ini4j;

    opens org.openjfx.JUSBPlotter to javafx.fxml;
    exports org.openjfx.JUSBPlotter;

And my pom.xml looks like this:

<project xmlns=""

So can it be that Apache Commons IO, JSerialComm and Ini4J is to old for Maven and Jlink?

How should I solve this problem? I'm using Eclipse IDE with OpenJDK 11.


  • The jlink requires all dependencies to be modular. After generation, it generates a custom JRE image including the required modules. The ini4j seems non-modular. For non-modular dependencies, you can go with the old Classpath approach after getting the custom JRE which has been generated without non-modular ones.

    Briefly, run jlink excluding the non-modulars than add the jar files of non-modulars to the generated JRE image. The modules method and Classpath method can be combined this way.

    A bit of fiddling with maven plugins should do this automatically.

    Example for ini4j


    1. Disable ini4j from (It should be enable during development, only do this when you want to package the project)
    module org.openjfx.JUSBPlotter {
        requires javafx.controls;
        requires javafx.fxml;
        requires com.fazecast.jSerialComm;
        //requires ini4j;
        opens org.openjfx.JUSBPlotter to javafx.fxml;
        exports org.openjfx.JUSBPlotter;
    1. Configure maven-dependency-plugin to copy the jar file of ini4j into the lib/ folder in jlink image.
                <!-- Copy ini4j jar into the jlink image -->
              <!-- Set output directory to lib folder in jlink image -->
    1. Configure jlink launcher option in the javafx-maven-plugin in order to add the jar file of non-modular ini4j to the Classpath.
            <!-- ini4j jar file will be copied to the {image-folder}/lib/ folder. The launcher script should have this option to add it to the classpath -->
            <options>-cp ../lib/${init4j-jar-name}</options>


    maven-dependeny-plugin will copy the jar file when you run mvn package. But the jlink image must be already generated. So run the mvn javafx:jlink first. Then run mvn package.

    Refer here to see how I applied for sqlite-jdbc in my project.