I tried BIOS Interrupt INT 16h, 02h but it is not supported on Emu8086. Can someone teach me how to get directly Capslock status on memory location 0:0417h or other Assembler which supported BIOS Interrupt 16h 02h I've tried MASM but it's not going well. Sorry about my bad English
The status of the caps lock key can be found in bit 40h
of the keyboard status word at address 0040:0017
. To access this bit, first load the BDA segment into a segment register, then access memory using this segment register. The syntax should be something like:
mov ax, 40h ; load segment into AX
mov es, ax ; so we can move it into ES
test byte ptr es:[17h], 40h ; is caps-lock depressed?
jnz caps_pressed