I am new to Azure and I am trying to create a dynamic Azure Ad group through PowerShell by following below cmdlet:
New-AzureADMSGroup -DisplayName "GroupName" -Description "Des" -MailEnabled $False -MailNickname "Mail" -SecurityEnabled $True -GroupTypes "Dynamic"
But I am getting the below error:
New-AzureADMSGroup : Error occurred while executing NewMSGroup
Code: Request_BadRequest
Message: Invalid value specified for property 'groupTypes' of resource 'Group'.
RequestId: 419e641b-a15a-4417-840c-ce30a3541d8d
DateTimeStamp: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 05:25:33 GMT
HttpStatusCode: BadRequest
HttpStatusDescription: Bad Request
HttpResponseStatus: Completed
At line:1 char:1
+ New-AzureADMSGroup -DisplayName "Testgroup1" -Description "Group assi ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [New-AzureADMSGroup], ApiException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Open.MSGraphBeta.Client.ApiException,Microsoft.Open.MSGraphBeta.PowerShell.NewMSGroup
I am following this Microsoft Document:
New-AzureADMSGroup (AzureAD) | Microsoft Docs
I tried to modify the command like below:
New-AzureADMSGroup -DisplayName "GroupName" -Description "Des" -MailEnabled $False -MailNickname "Mail" -SecurityEnabled $True -GroupTypes "DynamicGroup"
But it did not work. I am still getting the same error.
How to create dynamic Azure Ad group? Did anyone face the same issue?
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and I am able to create dynamic group successfully like below:
To create Dynamic group, make use of below PowerShell script:
New-AzureADMSGroup -DisplayName "RukminiGroup" -Description "Dynamic group" -MailEnabled $False -MailNickName "Ruk" -SecurityEnabled $True -GroupTypes "DynamicMembership" -MembershipRule "(user.department -contains ""IT"")" -MembershipRuleProcessingState "On"
By executing the above script, the Dynamic group created successfully like below:
Azure AD Group Membership PowerShell - Azure Lessons by Bijay Kumar.