
ALINK error 1065 even when Windows Long Paths enabled

I am trying to get a C# Visual Studio 2019/MSBuild job to build on a Jenkins build server. I know that my file paths are too long, so I have enabled Long File Paths in the Group Policy Editor (and verified that it has persisted in the registry editor after a server restart).

However, now I am getting the following error "ALINK: fatal error AL1065: File name ... is too long or invalid".

A quick google search led me to this page for Alchemy Software. However I have no idea what Alchemy Software is and why it is being used in the build process and why it is failing. (Although for the last point, I'm guessing that the Alchemy Software .dll is not "Long Address Aware", which I believe is necessary for an application to take advantage of Long Paths in Windows. But since I can't locate any .dll or .exe associated with this software, I can't be certain.)

Does anyone know why my build is still failing with this error, what Alchemy Software is, and how to get it to take advantage of Long Paths in Windows?

P.S. And please, no comments about how I should restructure my file paths to be shorter. I have tried doing that but it's impractical for this application. And anyway, it keeps popping up and is becoming a whack-a-mole situation, so I'd really rather fix the root cause rather than constantly putting band-aids everywhere.


  • I am going to set this as an answer since, after Hans Passant's very helpful comments and subsequent research, I think it's pretty definitive that this can mostly only be worked around, not resolved. (As possible exception will be discussed at the end of this answer.)

    As stated in those comments, this error originates from a linker module called al.exe that is utilized by MSBuild for certain project configurations (more on that later). This linker can be found in a couple places, but for me it was being called from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools.

    MSBuild can handle long file paths as long as Windows is configured to do so (by enabling long paths in the Group Policy Editor or by modifying the registry directly). However this al.exe module cannot. And as far as I can tell, there's no way to force it to do so. So if your build tool chain requires this al.exe module to be used, you're kind of SOL.

    For my particular situation, for a job in Jenkins that was failing because my paths were too long, I worked around this by changing the workspace of my job. So now instead of the default of something like D:\Jenkins\workspaces\[product]\Releases\[product_version], I changed it to D:\j\dd0_1c, which is an encoding that makes sense to me. This shortening of the folder path avoids any subsequent file paths from exceeding the limit of 260 characters. It's not a satisfying solution, but it works for my particular situation.

    I did mention that there was a possible exception to all of this: if you can get MSBuild to avoid using al.exe altogether, then you can avoid this error.

    I don't know all of the scenarios or workflows in which MSBuild utilizes this module, but I do know that it does get utilized when your application has localized resources, and somehow, some way, MSBuild uses al.exe when it is generating those resources. This was exactly my scenario, and I found this page and this page describing how you can reconfigure your localization projects such that MSBuild does not utilize al.exe. I did try the steps described in these pages and was able to verify that I no longer got this ALINK error from al.exe. However I never got my project to fully build since this reconfiguration caused other build errors to crop up. So in the end, for the sake of expediency (and because it was cleaner than performing a major refactor of my code), I went with the Jenkins workspace workaround. However, it is interesting to note that you can get MSBuild to avoid using al.exe as long as your project is conducive to the solution given in those two links. So hopefully, if someone runs into this same issue, they might have more success than I in utilizing this method.