I have this map:
and this coordinates:
lat: 42.60537919708604
lon: -96.8791615271999
I would like to make a point on the map using python, anyone knows how to do that? ( on windows, would be nice if you could do that with PIL or with cv2 )
expected result:
I believe this code works if you are using a map where lat and long lines are straight lines such as
import cv2
Directory = "directory of the image"
img = cv2.imread(Directory)
#just displaying the initial image, not needed
#resize the image to 360,180 for lat and long locations
img = cv2.resize(img, (360, 180))
#draw a dot on the image in location:
lat = 0 #your lat here
lat += 90
long = 0 #your longitude here
long += 180
img = cv2.circle(img, (x,y), 3, (0,0,255), -1) #format = (image, position, size of circle, colour)
#display the image in a window for 5 seconds (also not needed