
Haskell traverse and filter through a list while lifting results

Say I have code where I want to do the following:

  1. Input: a list of strings [String]
  2. Operation (checkSat and checkResult)
    • Obtains a boolean from an input string.
  3. Output:
    • If everything in the input is parseable into a boolean, only return those that resulted in "unsat".
    • If at least one of them has an error, return an error.
data Err = Err String deriving (Show)

-- Detail omitted for this example
checkSat :: String -> Either Err String
checkSat = Right . id

checkResult :: String -> Either Err Bool
checkResult "sat"    = Right True
checkResult "unsat"  = Right False
checkResult err      = Left $ Err err

onlyUnsat :: [String] -> Either Err [String]
onlyUnsat xs = filter (traverse notSat xs) xs
  where notSat x  = fmap not $ checkSat x >>= checkResult
        onlyUnsat = filter (traverse notSat xs) xs

The code above doesn't quite work. What's the right way to write onlyUnsat with the correct typing?


  • Try this:

    onlyUnsat :: [String] -> Either Err [String]
    onlyUnsat = traverse checkSat >=> filterM (fmap not . checkResult)
      filterM :: Applicative m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
      filterM p = fmap (map fst . filter snd) . traverse (\x -> withFst x <$> p x)
        where withFst x = \y -> (x, y)
      (>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c
      f >=> g = \x -> f x >>= g

    Note that both filterM and >=> can be imported from Control.Monad. I've redefined them here for the sake of clarity :-)

    The basic idea is to split the operation into two stages: (1) apply checkSat on every item in the list; and (2) filter every item in the list. The first stage is given by traverse checkSat, which has type [String] -> Either Err [String]. The second stage is given by filterM (fmap not . checkResult), which also has type [String] -> Either Err String. We then use >=> to chain these two computations together into one of the same type.