
Metamask (web3) connect wallet and send transaction - how to change blockchain to Bianance smart chain (BEP-20) network instead of Ethereum?

there is simple source code in HTML and JS about button to connecting wallet as a web3 and loading ETH transaction in Metamask.


const ethereumButton = document.querySelector('.enableEthereumButton');
const sendEthButton = document.querySelector('.sendEthButton');

let accounts = [];

//Sending Ethereum to an address
sendEthButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
      method: 'eth_sendTransaction',
      params: [
          from: accounts[0],
          to: '0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970',
          value: '0x29a2241af62c0000',
          gasPrice: '0x09184e72a000',
          gas: '0x2710',
    .then((txHash) => console.log(txHash))
    .catch((error) => console.error);

ethereumButton.addEventListener('click', () => {

async function getAccount() {
  accounts = await ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });


<button class="enableEthereumButton btn">Enable Ethereum</button>
<button class="sendEthButton btn">Send Eth</button>

I would like to ask, how to change code to determine loading of Binance smart chain network (BEP-20) instead of ETH. I tried to find and change ETH contract which would be changed to BEP-20 contract but I don´t see contract there.

Second problem there is that this code contains value of 3 ETH which are loaded for transaction.

I would like to ask where is value set up to 3?


  • how to change code to determine loading of Binance smart chain network (BEP-20) instead of ETH

    You can send a wallet_switchEthereumChain request to MetaMask. Code example in the linked documentation. BSC chain ID is 56 (decimal), which is 0x38 in hex, and the mainnet RPC URL is (source).

    where is value set up to 3?

    It's the value param of the eth_sendTransaction method. 0x29a2241af62c0000 in hex is 3000000000000000000 in decimal, the amount of wei.