
Extracting the contentUrl from image upload variabl

I can successfully upload an image to my bot, which has a property dialogue.attachments. Dialogue.attachments looks like this:

“lgType”: “Activity”,

“text”: [


"contentType": "image/png",

"contentUrl": "http://localhost:5000/v3/attachments/0e8f3c75-cb9f-4aa0-9a46-0756c3c7a6c9/views/original",

"content": null,

"name": "Test Ankle - Swollen.png",

"thumbnailUrl": null

} ]


How do I access the contentUrl into a variable (or "property") so I can use it elsewhere in an image analysis api? I need to be able to do this from within the Bot Framework Composer.


  • You can access the property - contentUrl by using the getProperty Object Manipulation function enter image description here

    e.g. getProperty(obj, "contentUrl")

    or using dot notation obj.contentUrl