
How to get uncertainty/covariance in estimating the pose of ArUco marker - OpenCV

I am using OpenCV's cv2.aruco.estimatePoseSingleMarkers function to estimate the pose of an ArUco marker & it works well. However, I also want the uncertainty / covariance in the pose estimate.

Is there a way to achieve this?


  • I too have been searching for papers on uncertainty in pose. I have not been very successful, but have found several papers that theoretically examine issues around this... difficult to apply in practice. One paper even said something to the effect "nobody is thinking about error" LOL

    I just gave up on my literature search and am attempting the following approach:

    This is just random error, though. Now I'm thinking about how to include precision error... I usually fall back to "An Introduction to Error Analysis" by John R Taylor (the "Train Wreck" book)... he says

    ...For example, if you have to measure a clearly defined length l with a ruler graduated in millimeters, you might reasonably decide that the length could be read to the nearest millimeter but no better. Here, the uncertainty dl would be dl = 0.5mm...

    Using the same (I think?) reasoning, I forgo subpixel refining and am going to begin a pixel precision estimate assuming pixel precision error is half a pixel. But surely there is someone smarter who can correct this? Donno.

    I will update this as I progress...

    Edit: a couple more thoughts.