
Ics file is "sending update" instead of creating a "send"

I have this meeting appointment i'm trying to send from an .ics file. This is the data

"PRODID:-//Send project Invite//EN\n" +
"VERSION:2.0\n" +
"UID:gestionprojetsCalendarInvite\n" +
convertDate(startDate) +
"\n" +
convertDate(endDate) +
"\n" +
subject +
"\n" +
description +
"\n" +
location +
"\n" +
to.filter(o => o != '').map(o => "ATTENDEE;MAILTO:" +"\n") +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"DESCRIPTION:Reminder" +
"\n" +

I want to know why, when I open the .ics file, it's saying "send update" instead of "send".

What I get :

what i get

What I want :

What I want


  • I believe it’s because you have static UID for all .ics you generated. "UID:gestionprojetsCalendarInvite\n"

    UID aka unique ID, is supposed to uniquely represent a calendar event. When you open an ics file containing duplicated UID, your app (Outlook I guess?) thinks you want to update an existing event, not creating a new one.

    Try give it a different UID to see if that solves your problem.
