
Problem with UI interaction with XR interaction Toolkit in Unity

I'm working on a VR project for HTC Vive Cosmos headset and have a huge problem with UI interactions.

The project loads and I can see the rays representing both controllers, but when I try to interact with the UI button nothing happens.

What I tried:

Nothing seems to be working and I got a feeling, the problem is not in UI elements, but in configuring the toolkit itself. Have you any ideas what can I check/change to make UI interactions work?


  • The problem is solved and it was more an attention error. My controllers have an XR Ray Interactor and it has a property Max Raycast Distance (in Inspector -> XR Ray Interactor -> Raycast Configuration -> Max Raycast Distance). So basically my UI Elements were too far for interactor to detect them. I altered the Max Raycast Distance value and everything now works perfectly.