
C# AWS GetParametersByPathRequest (how to write code flexible, intelligent & sophisticated enough to handle paths regardless of the hierarchy level?)

The following packages are installed in my Visual Studio solution’s project:

Amazon.Extensions.Configuration.SystemsManager" Version="4.0.0" 
Amazon.Lambda.APIGatewayEvents" Version="2.5.0" 
Amazon.Lambda.Core" Version="2.1.0" 
Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson" Version="2.3.0" 
AWSSDK.S3" Version="" 
AWSSDK.SecretsManager" Version="" 
AWSSDK.SecretsManager.Caching" Version="1.0.4" 
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables" Version="3.1.27" 
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions" Version="3.1.27" 
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json" Version="3.1.27" 
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection" Version="3.1.27" 
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging" Version="3.1.27" 
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console" Version="3.1.27" 
starkbank-ecdsa" Version="1.3.3" 
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore" Version="6.3.0" 

Let’s say that my AWS Cloud account has the following parameters:




….. /bible/OldTestament/Law/Exodus/Chapter1


….. /bible/NewTestament/Gospel/Mark/Chapter1


….. /bible/NewTestament/Gospel/John/Chapter1


    private GetParametersByPathResponse GetMyAppAWSParameters(string path)
        GetParametersByPathRequest request = new GetParametersByPathRequest()
            Path = path,
            WithDecryption = false
        return _ssm.GetParametersByPathAsync(request).Result;

The aforementioned method works with Paths that are just one-level up from the Leaf Node (i.e.,

path = /bible/OldTestament/Law/Genesis/

The returned response parameter list contains:





path = /bible/NewTestament/Gospel/John/

The return response parameter list contains:



However, if I provide a shorter paths further up the hierarchy like the following:

path = /bible/OldTestament/Law/


path = /bible/NewTestament/

Unfortunately The return response parameter list is empty

Essentially, I was trying to implement code that is flexible, intelligent & sophisticated enough to handle paths regardless of the hierarchy level. What code do I need to allow me to do this?


  • It works when I set Recursive to true.

     private GetParametersByPathResponse GetMyAppAWSParameters(string
        GetParametersByPathRequest request = new GetParametersByPathRequest()
            Path = path,
            Recursive = true,
            WithDecryption = false
        return _ssm.GetParametersByPathAsync(request).Result;