
How can we extrapolate data from the 10 m climate variable (m/s) to 30 m by CDO?

How can we extrapolate data from the 10 m climate variable (m/s) to 30 m by cdo?

We have data (m/s) in NC file.

You can see the power law method (for extrapolation) in the equation. Please see the attached screenshot.

enter image description here


  • Well the expression, (H30/H10)**alfa = 1.166 so you can just use mulc

    cdo mulc,1.166 

    As a side comment, in general though I think it would be a poor method, would be much better to use MO stability functions to account for the presence or not of a stable or neutral boundary layer. Stull's 1988 textbook Boundary Layer Meteorology is a classic and a good reference for this (and available online).