
How to make the function wait until response comes back

I am trying to add this response data to a zip object and later calling the createZip() method to download file as a zip file. Problem is my file getting downloaded first and the response is coming back. If I try to run the function again then right file is getting downloaded because in the previous API call I already got the response data.

Can anyone help me with this. I am new to angular and don't know how to use async/await properly.

zipFile = new JSZip();
exportIcsReportInJSONFormat() {
        .subscribe(response => {
                    this.jsonFile = response;
                    this.zipFile.file("ics-report_.json", response, {binary:true});

To create zip file and download.

createZip() {
          .then(function(content) {
          saveAs(content, "example.zip");


  • You can use the async/await pattern with Promises, something like this:

      zipFile = new JSZip();
      async mapZip() {
        try {
          var response = await this.exportIcsReportInJSONFormat();
          console.log("JSONFile", response)
          this.jsonFile = response;
          this.zipFile.file("ics-report_.json", response, { binary: true });
          var content = await this.zipFile.generateAsync({ type: "blob" });
          saveAs(content, "example.zip");
        catch {
      exportIcsReportInJSONFormat() {