
Mobx. parent component is not re-rendered?

I'm learning mobx. I can not understand why the parent component is not re-rendered. When the button is clicked, the value of the field in the observed object changes. The parent component is an observer. Why isn't it updated? I made two versions: just mobx and mobx - state - tree. None work.


import React, { useContext , createContext} from 'react'
import { observer} from 'mobx-react-lite';
import { observable } from 'mobx'

const TestOb = observable({
    Name: 'Test'    

const StoreContext = createContext(TestOb);

const ChildComp = () => {
    const store = useContext(StoreContext)
    const clickHandle = () => {     
        store.Name = "Test 2";       
    return (
            <button onClick={clickHandle}>Click</button>

 const Test = () => {

    console.log("Test comp"); // does not fire on change
    return (
        <StoreContext.Provider value={TestOb}>
                <ChildComp />

export default observer(Test);


import React, { useContext, createContext } from 'react'
import { observer, types } from 'mobx-react-lite';
import { observable } from 'mobx'
import { types } from 'mobx-state-tree'

const TestStore = observable(types.model({
    Name: types.maybe(types.string)
}).actions(self => {
    return {
        setName: () => { self.Name = "Test" }
const store = TestStore.create({});

const StoreContext = createContext(store);

const ChildComp = () => {
    const store = useContext(StoreContext)
    const clickHandle = () => {
    return (
            <button onClick={clickHandle}>Click</button>

const Test = () => {
    console.log("Test"); // does not fire on change
    return (
        <StoreContext.Provider value={TestOb}>
                <ChildComp />

export default observer(Test);


  • An observer component will re-render when observable data it depends on changes.

    Your Test component is currently not dereferencing any observable data. You could try to use TestOb.Name to see it working.


    const Test = () => {
      console.log("Test comp");
      return (
        <StoreContext.Provider value={TestOb}>
            <ChildComp />