I have a complete weighted directed graph G=(V,A,W)
and I want to reduce the density of the graph by deleting arcs as follows: given i,j,k \in V
if w(i,j)+w(j,k) <= w(i,k)
, then we delete arc (i,k)
The code is given below, where ad
is initially the adjacency matrix of G
for (int i = 0; i < |V|; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < |V|; ++j)
for (int k = 0; k < |V|; ++k)
if(k!=i && k!=j){
if(ad[i][j]==1 && ad[j][k]==1 && w(i,j)+w(j,k) <= w(i,k))
My question is: can this procedure make the resulting graph not connected?
Assuming no machine arithmetic shenanigans and that w(i, j) is positive whenever i ≠ j, no, you can't disconnect the graph.
For every (i, j) pair, consider a longest (by arc count) walk from i to j whose weight is at most w(i, j). This walk is well defined because i → j has weight at most w(i, j), and the assumptions of positive weights and a finite graph imply that the set of possible walks is finite, hence has a maximum. The algorithm cannot remove any of the arcs on this walk, or else there would be a longer walk. Hence the residual graph is strongly connected.