The hosting partner of many of our customers is deactivating MariaDB < 10.3. Now I try to find out from which Shopware 5 version it is compatible with MariaDb 10.3. Checked change logs and documentation, but the only thing I find is that Shopware 6 requires 10.3 atleast. Is there some reliable source for this information?
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Announcment (german):
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Got feedback from some Shopware developer.
I can't give you a 100% certanty. However we had no isses with 10.3.x with 5.5.x Shops. With older version we had huge issues that the handling in MariaDB for NULL values changed a bit and so the doctrine version used in 5.4 and before caused the database values to be no longer NULL but the string "NULL" which caused some sideffects obviously