I'm trying to create an endpoint that will send a status code using caveman2.
(defroute "/books/" ()
(render-json "Hello"))
I have found the function throw-code
which enables me to send a status code, but it won't let me send a response body as well. It seems it was meant for handling errors.
(import 'caveman2:throw-code)
(defroute "/books/" ()
(throw-code 403)
;; This will not respond with "Hello"
(render-json "Hello"))
The caveman2 github page talks about responding with specific status codes:
Set HTTP headers or HTTP status
There are several special variables available during a HTTP request. request and response represent a request and a response. If you are familiar with Clack, these are instances of subclasses of Clack.Request and Clack.Response.
(use-package :caveman2)
;; Get a value of Referer header.
(http-referer *request*)
;; Set Content-Type header.
(setf (getf (response-headers *response*) :content-type) "application/json")
;; Set HTTP status.
(setf (status *response*) 304)
However, I do not know how to instantiate these objects or how to import them. I couldn't find a working example and when I put this in as is in my code it won't compile.
How can I accomplish this?
The *response*
variable is bound to an instance while the request is being processed (it is a special variable). You can experiment with the following short example:
You need these systems:
(ql:quickload '(:clack :caveman2))
(defpackage :test-caveman2 (:use :cl))
(in-package :test-caveman2)
(defparameter *web* (make-instance 'caveman2:<app>))
(caveman2:defroute "/hello/" ()
(defparameter *server* (clack:clackup *web*))
With the above code executed, you should be able to see a simple Hello page at address localhost:5000/hello/
Now, let's make a page with a body but a different status:
(caveman2:defroute "/bye/" ()
;; here *response* is bound to a response object
;; let's change its status
(setf (caveman2:response-status caveman2:*response*) 403)
"403 - Nope")
If you inspect with your browser, e.g. F12 in Firefox, the Network tab, you can see that the response status is 403 for /bye/
, but that the page displays also a body.