I want to search for a string in every file in the current directory, combine the results, and output a text file.
The string that I'm looking for is "Start l". This will return two results, "Start latitude" and "Start longitude". I want to combine this data into a single line for each file.
Here's an example:
select-string -path .\CC2019012_20220601_125156.txt -Pattern 'Start l'
Which yields:
CC2019012_20220601_125156.txt:10:% Start latitude,39.0285453
CC2019012_20220601_125156.txt:11:% Start longitude,-74.4891558
What I want to create is:
Here's how I do it under Linux:
for file in *.txt
lat=$(grep -i "start l" $file | dos2unix | sed -e 's/^..*,//' | sed -e 'N;s/\n/,/')
print $file,$lat
done >| locations.sam
How do I achieve the same results in powershell?
ETA: I've found something that works... Maybe someone can improve on what I've come up with?
foreach ($file in gci *.txt)
$base = (Get-Item "$file" ).Basename
$var = select-string -path $file -Pattern 'Start l' | %{$_ -replace "..*,",""}
$join = $var -join ","
echo "$base,$join" | out-file -Append .\locations.sam
Example CSV file:
% Device,CC2206006
% File name,CC2206006_20220712_103027
% Cast time (UTC),2022-07-12 10:30:27
% Cast time (local),2022-07-12 10:30:27
% Sample type,Cast
% Cast data,Down
% Location source,GPS
% Default latitude,32
% Default altitude,0
% Start latitude,34.0449595
% Start longitude,-73.4006081
% Start altitude,-30.834999084472656
% Start GPS horizontal error(Meter),32.823001861572266
% Start GPS vertical error(Meter),641.02001953125
% Start GPS number of satellites,3
% End latitude,34.0461822
% End longitude,-73.4019048
% End altitude,-33.549999237060547
% End GPS horizontal error(Meter),214.10699462890625
% End GPS vertical error(Meter),463.32901000976562
% End GPS number of satellites,3
% Cast duration (Seconds),84.2
% Samples per second,5
% Electronics calibration date,0001-01-01
% Conductivity calibration date,2022-02-10
% Temperature calibration date,2022-02-09
% Pressure calibration date,2022-02-08
Pressure (Decibar),Depth (Meter),Temperature (Celsius),Conductivity (MicroSiemens per Centimeter),Specific conductance (MicroSiemens per Centimeter),Salinity (Practical Salinity Scale),Sound velocity (Meters per Second),Density (Kilograms per Cubic Meter)
You could also use the very fast switch
for this to get the values you want using regex, collect these in a variable and when done write it all out to the locations.sam
file in one go like this:
# go through the text files, filter out the wanted values
# and collect formatted lines in variable $data
$data = foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem -Filter '*.txt')) {
$values = switch -Regex -File $file.FullName {
'% Start l(at|ong)itude' { ($_ -split ',')[-1]}
# output a formatted line
'{0},{1}' -f $file.Basename, ($values -join ',')
# now append the data to the output file
# using PassThru, it will also display in the console
$data | Add-Content -Path .\locations.sam -PassThru