
vim airline how to show full warning messages

I am using vim + vim-airline, and it looks like this in my terminal: enter image description here as you can see, it just shows a bit of the warnings, is this intended? It will show more if I lengthen the window, but how can I set it to show the full warning messages for the current window size? for example, if I can adjust the section width or do something else?

In my .vimrc I have

 28 set laststatus=2                                                                
 27 let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1                                               
 26 let g:airline_theme='luna'                                                      
 25 let g:airline#extensions#default#section_truncate_width = {                     
 24             \ 'b': 79,                                                          
 23             \ 'x': 60,                                                          
 22             \ 'y': 50,                                                          
 21             \ 'z': 45,                                                          
 20             \ 'warning': 12,                                                    
 19             \ 'error': 80,                                                      
 18             \ } 


  • You can use :CocList diagnostics to list all diagnostics, if you have installed coc.nvim plugin. Or you can check the 55 line in your file. You also can diasable it by "let g:airline_section_error = ''.