On an IoT Central app, is there a way to use a custom timestamp property on the X axis of the charts displayed on the dashboards?
Here's a picture of some sample raw data: Raw Data
"_eventcreationtime": "2022-09-05T18:05:18.316Z",
"Controller": {
"Temperature4K_1": 71.468,
"Temperature4K_2": 61.428,
"Temperature40K_1": 39.135,
"Temperature40K_2": 32.69,
"TelemetryMagnetID": "Ex accusamus non commodi id ab excepturi facere et.",
"Timestamp": "2023-01-07T19:50:11.189Z" **<- I want to use this Timestamp as the X Axis**
"_eventtype": "Telemetry",
"_timestamp": "2022-09-05T18:05:18.369Z" **<- Looks like the the charts always use this timestamp on X Axis**
I would like to use the Controller.Timestamp as the value to be used on the X axis of the charts, but it looks like the _timestamp is always used.
If this is the case is there a way to set the Controller.Timestamp property has another system property before the message is sent by the device (using the C# IoT Device SDK) so that I can use the value of the source Timestamp on the X axis of the charts?
Posting an answer just in case others need this information.
After reaching out to Microsoft support, I got the following answer:
You can use the "iothub-creation-time-utc" property in message properties to set the source timestamp. If this property is set, IoTCentral will use the timestamp value of this field for dashboards/charts. If the property is not set, IoTCentral will use the enqueued time.
So adding the code below addressed my question:
message.properties.add('iothub-creation-time-utc', timestamp);
There's also a related question here: Provide timestamp in message to IoT central