Getting a parser error with Google Closure Compiler for JavaScript private class fields, even though according to MDN it is widely supported. Extending their example:
class ClassWithPrivateField {
constructor() {
this.#privateField = 42;
getPrivate() {
return this.#privateField;
console.log("private field", new ClassWithPrivateField().getPrivate());
Saved the above to private.js and ran it in a Node container:
$ docker run \
--workdir /home/node/app \
--rm -t -v $PWD:/home/node/app \
node:18 bash -c \
"node private.js"
private field 42
The console output shows correctly on the last line above. Now if we run it through google-closure-compiler
$ docker run \
--workdir /home/node/app \
--rm -t -v $PWD:/home/node/app \
node:18 bash -c \
"npm i -g google-closure-compiler && google-closure-compiler --js /home/node/app/private.js"
This is the final output:
/home/node/app/private.js:2:2: ERROR - [JSC_PARSE_ERROR] Parse error. '}' expected
2| #privateField;
1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Looking this up I got the impression from a Github post that this feature is not yet supported, is this correct? Is there a solution or workaround, if I want to use private fields? Even ignoring this error to allow the compilation to continue would be acceptable. Thanks.
The Closure Compiler does not yet support private fields. The work around is to not use private fields or to use something like Babel to translate them.