
How to add health endpoint in Apache Tomcat 9?

I am using Apache Tomcat 9 server as a Maven dependency in my project. It is working fine and now I need to add a health endpoint so that it will return 200 OK if everything is running fine.

I came to know about HealthCheckValve ( option in Tomcat 9 which is helpful. But I am not been able to figure out where to add this and the process of configuring this valve. As I know if server is standalone we can configure in Server.xml but as the Tomcat Server is a maven dependency I don't know how and where I should configure this.

Can somebody please help me in configuring health endpoint in Apache Tomcat 9 (as a maven dependency) ?


  • I saw the documentation of all valves available in Tomcat 9.0.x.

    In order to find the solution of this specific task, I tried looking for configuration of other valves such as Remote Address Valve in embedded tomcat.

    I found a solution by user967710 after searching a lot.

    I did the following to add a Health Check Valve to my Tomcat 9.0.64 :

            Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat();
            Valve valve = new HealthCheckValve();

    It doesn't matter how you configure the Tomcat for your project i.e from line 1 ~ 5 but actually last 2 lines i.e 6 and 7 are important where you are adding the valve.

    The health endpoint can be accessible on host:port/health. For e.g if it is hosted at http://localhost:4000 then the health endpoint would be http://localhost:4000/health

    This endpoint will return 200 OK with a simple JSON response stating the Tomcat server status i.e "UP" if everything is up and running.