
Zoom URL-schema and deep link format for zoomus links

I'm developing web application which uses Zoom API. In this application users are to be able to go to the specific Zoom meeting. Currently, we are using HTTPS-based links but Zoom provides very low-quality user experience with whose links. How to redirect users to zoomus:// meetings? I found Zoom Documentation such links exist. And found no information about format of those links.

So, the questions I have:

  1. What is the format of zoomus:// URL-schema links
  2. What is the format of Zoom deep links
  3. Is there any API which allows to get a direct Zoom app link for a meeting.


  • When going via an HTTPS link the web browser then opens a zoommtg:// link which opens the Zoom app. I've not found any documentation for the schema, but looking at the URLs they're of the form:
