
How to write a go connection string for pgx.pool to a remote RDS?

I have no trouble connecting go pgxpool to a postgresql database in a docker container but can't figure out how to write a connection URL string for a linode postgresql RDS. Specifically, what is the first part of the URL "postgres://"? I can't find any example for a connection URL other than a local db and no code examples for a DSN connection.

Can somebody please help me out with either a connection URL or DSN for these details?

Here is my current connection string which returns "host is invalid". ssl_mode is also invalid.

config, err := pgxpool.ParseConfig("user=linpostgres, password=secret,, port=5432 dbname=mydb, pool_max_conns=10")

This psq connect string times out: psql --username=linpostgres port=5432 --password


  • You can check the code official GitHub repository code here: link

    // See Config for definitions of these arguments.
    //  # Example DSN 
    //  user=jack password=secret port=5432 dbname=mydb sslmode=verify-ca pool_max_conns=10
    //  # Example URL
    //  postgres://

    so your connection string should be


    hope this helps