
how to use xpath to click the element if the value is greather than?

I have XPath, which click the element when the value matches to 1800, but I want this to work only like if the value is greater than 1800, I am noob and I don't know about that I just googled, Here is working XPath that click on the value 1800, can anyone modify for me,



  • If I understand your question correctly, you are looking to only select a span that contains text >1800

    Here would be a corresponding sample XML structure,


    You are currently using the XPath contains function which will select all span where span/text() contains the given string 1800. For the given example XML above you will only select the second span because 1800 is contained in the span/text(). If you are looking to select all span where span/text() is '>1800' you can simply remove the XPath contains function and replace it by checking if span/text() > '1800'

    //uni-view/uni-text/span[text() > "1800"]

    For the given example XML, this will only pull in the third span where span/text() is 1850.