
schedule a DMS task thru task scheduler- first we need to stop the running task and then start it

I have setup a DMS task with "FULL LOAD + CDC ". as far as i know if we have created a new table in our source MYSQL RDS then that would be migrated to the target REDSHIFT cluster only when we stop and resume the task. is there any alternate to this so that newly created table can be migrated without stopping and resuming the DMS task.

Also, i was considering to use the task scheduler to run the DMS task. however the concern here is - since the DMS task will be continuously running, do we have any way to first stop the DMS task and then start it thru windows task scheduler.


  • The best would be use a lambda function .

    You can have Event Bridge to schedule your lambda that can get MySql table count . If you have extra table then same lambda can be used to Stop DMS and then resume DMS task .

    Please remember the Lambda Function has to be inside same VPC and subnet where your DMS task is running and also RDS .