I defined a gramar like this
grammar org.xtext.example.mydsl1.MyDsl with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
generate myDsl "http://www.xtext.org/example/mydsl1/MyDsl"
persons+=(Person | David)
greetings=(GreetDavid | Greet);
Person returns Person:
'Holla. My name is' name=ID //First "create" a person
David returns Person:
'Holla. My name is' name='David' //David is a special person. He has name David
GreetDavid returns Greeting:
'Hello' person=[David] //Only greet David with Hello
Greet returns Greeting:
'Hi' person=[Person] //Greet other persons with Hi
Of course, Xtext complains that David is not a known type : "Cannot resolve type null"
How can I simply tell Xtext that David is a person that will be created with name "David"?
I dont want to change the Ecore and create a class specifically for David.
Thanks in advance
You could use a data type rule. e.g.
David returns Person:
'Holla. My name is' name=DAVID
GreetDavid returns Greeting:
'Hello' person=[Person|DAVID] //Only greet David with Hello