I am creating a user panel in laravel. Here i also want to upload a profile picture. I store the picture in (projectname)/public/storage/profilepicture/(image) but it wont load in my blade file.
<td><img src="/public/storage/profilepicture/{{$user->picture}}" width="100px"/> </td>
i used this line but it wont show up
// I am using this code to load the image in my blade file
{{ asset('storage/profilepicture/'.$user->profilepicture) }}
// But it wont load. I am using this code to store the image in my controller
$user->profilepicture = $request->file('profilepicture')->store('profilepicture');
// I am using this code to store the image in my model
public function getProfilepictureAttribute($value)
return asset('storage/'.$value);
// I am using this code to store the image in my blade file
{{ $user->profilepicture }}
// I am using this code to store the image in my blade file
{{ asset('storage/'.$user->profilepicture) }}
// I am using this code to store the image in my blade file
{{ asset('storage/profilepicture/'.$user->profilepicture) }}